この企画は「KOGEI Next」古美術鐘ヶ江と株式会社クロステックマネジメントが進めている新たな価値を持った工芸の次のすがたを実現させる取り組みの一環です。
Maki-e on a shamisen (musical instrument) produced by Hikohju Maki-e in collaboration with Beni Ninagawa of the Japanese instrument band “WagakkiBand
We were in charge of maki-e for a shamisen (three-stringed Japanese musical instrument) produced by Hikoju Maki-e in collaboration with Beni Ninagawa of the Japanese musical instrument band “Wagakki Band”.
Beni Ninagawa came to visit us while we were working on the maki-e before assembly, and he gave us a chance to try maki-e on a part of the design by ourselves.
The design was the joint creation of Kyoto Women’s University’s Professor Maesaki Shinya’s seminar students and Ninagawa Beni.
This project is part of the “KOGEI Next” initiative by Kogei Kanegae and Cross Tech Management Co.