10月28、29日に大阪府立国際会議場(グランキューブ大阪)で開催された、G7大阪・堺貿易大臣会合展示に出展された鯖江商工会議所のブースに、作品の展示をしていただき、併せてvirtual mallでの工房見学も行われました
今回の鯖江商工会議所の展示は、2020年から取り組まれているMONOZUKURI EXPO MADE FROMのvirtualmallJを中心に体験ブースとして出展され、他地域との連携ということで、輪島商工会議所のご紹介で私もvirtualmallJに参加させて頂くこととなりました。
Exhibited at G7 Osaka-Sakai Trade Ministerial Meeting
On October 28 and 29, the Sabae Chamber of Commerce and Industry exhibited at the G7 Osaka-Sakai Trade Ministerial Meeting held at the Osaka International Convention Center (Grand Cube Osaka).
The Sabae Chamber of Commerce and Industry exhibited at the virtual mallJ booth, which is part of the MONOZUKURI EXPO MADE FROM 2020, as a hands-on booth. The space is closed to the public, but it is important for overseas visitors.
Although it was a closed space, many foreign dignitaries, domestic and foreign media, people from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as volunteer students stopped by to have a look.
Thank you very much for this precious opportunity to be selected as one of the three products to be displayed at the booth from among many products and makers!