新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大は、漆器業にも暗い影を落とし、厳しい状況が続いております。その逆境下でも、漆塗りの世界に魅せられ、輪島の地で漆器づくりに励む若者たちがいます。 ふるさと納税で輪島塗若手作家を”直接支援” ─ 寄附のお礼の品として若手作家が製作した製品をお届けします。
Wajima-nuri for the future. ~Supporting young Wajima-nuri artists through tax payment
The spread of the new coronavirus has cast a dark shadow over the lacquerware industry, which continues to face a difficult situation. Despite the adversity, there are young people who are fascinated by the world of lacquerware and are working hard to create lacquerware in Wajima. We will send products made by young Wajima lacquerware artists as a gift in return for your donation.
We are pleased to announce that we have added their works to the list of tax gifts from Wajima City.
Please click the link below.